
Monthly Archives: March 2020

4 years ago

How do we measure wisdom?


How do you know if you’re wiser that the next dude?How do you know you’re wise enough? or not? . . . . . . . . if you can’t measure wisdom?Some 4–5 years ago, I got curious about this wisdom thing. I started reading one chapter of the book of Solomon’s Proverbs per day. The date […]

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4 years ago

Talkin’ bout our generations, ep. 1


Strange things happen when you go to live events.You meet people TOTALLY different from you.NOTHING in common . . . . except . . . . you’re walking the same, lonely road.And suddenly . . . . that’s EVERYTHING.Arnold Flores and I met at a Perry Marshall event in Chicago, May 2019. In fact, we met […]

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4 years ago

The Power of Inaction

power of inaction

What do three 21st-Century geeks have in common with three 19th-Century politicians?The three geeks were three bosses. Mine, in fact.I’ve had numerous bosses over the years. None, fortunately, were bad, so I’ve been luckier than most. Almost everyone has an Evil Boss story to tell.But three really stand out. Kevin, Mike and Justin.The three 19th-Century […]

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4 years ago

Is what you’re doing crazy enough?

crazy enough

My old uncle was a phenomenally successful real estate developer and architect.Entirely self-taught. I think he did a few university-level courses, but just enough to learn what he needed to know, then he went back to whatever project he was working on.Due to some unfortunate family politics, I didn’t get to mix it up with […]

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Do you know how to have a conversation?

how to have a conversation

How you answer that question depends entirely on your purpose in the conversation. The purpose of a LOT of conversations I eavesdrop on . . .  is emotional reassurance. Tell me I’m OK. Somebody PLE-E-E-EASE tell me I’m OK. I feel frantic. I can’t cope with life if I’m all alone. Quiet desperation. (Thanks, Mr Thoreau.) The conversation makes […]

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4 years ago

Self-imposed isolation: Prison or Freedom?

prison or freedom

There are two ways to look at a period of isolation from other people. (Be it self-imposed or otherwise.) You can look at it as a hardship.  Torture.  Something to be endured. You can’t wait to see the end of it. OR . . . . . You can it as an opportunity for reflection. And for reinvention. A chance […]

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4 years ago

How YOU could become my guru


(This isn’t actually an invitation to become my new guru . . . . .  Then again . . . .  maybe it is . . . . . ) Unless you’re not totally human . . . . .  . . . . and even then . . . . . (I’d want to check […]

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